eames chair replica price

eames chair replica price

Here's a general price range you can expect for Eames chair replicas:

  1. Low-End Replicas: These replicas are typically mass-produced using lower-quality materials and may lack attention to detail in terms of design and construction. Prices for low-end replicas can start from as low as $50 to $100 USD.

  2. Mid-Range Replicas: Mid-range replicas offer better quality materials and construction compared to low-end replicas. They often closely mimic the design of the authentic Eames chair but may still have some differences in terms of materials or finishing. Prices for mid-range replicas typically range from $100 to $300 USD.

  3. High-End Replicas: High-end replicas strive to replicate the authentic Eames chair as closely as possible in terms of design, materials, and craftsmanship. These replicas may use premium materials such as top-grain leather and high-quality wood veneers. Prices for high-end replicas can range from $300 to $1000 USD or more, depending on the level of detail and craftsmanship.

It's important to note that prices may vary depending on the seller, location, shipping costs, and any additional features or customization options. Additionally, while replicas offer a more affordable alternative to authentic Eames chairs, they may not have the same level of durability or long-term value. As with any furniture purchase, it's essential to research thoroughly, read reviews, and consider your budget and requirements before making a decision.

Replica Eames Premium Soft Pad Genuine Tan Leather Office Chair Low Back Ergonomic Paddings $459.00 USD

eames chair replica price


  • Genuine Italian leather on front panels of seat cushions
  • Remaining panels are covered in premium matching PU leather
  • Thick high-density foam seat padding
  • Mid-back seat design
  • Adjustable polished aluminium alloy armrests
  • Gas lift height adjustable with tilt control
  • Electroplated aluminum alloy  5-star swivel base
  • With castor wheels for freedom of movement

Detailed Specifications

  • Colour: Tan
  • Material: Genuine Leather & PU Leather
  • Foam Padding: 5cm thick
  • Weight: 13.5kg
  • Dimensions: 58cm (W) x 59cm (D) x 87.5-96cm (H)
  • Seat Height: 46-54cm
  • Maximum Weight Capacity: 120kg
  • Simple assembly required
  • Warranty: 3 year Warranty

Package Contents

  • 1 x Office Chair

This item is a replica, it is not the original item and it is not manufactured by the original manufacturers. Wenii Furniture is not at all associated with original designers and or its manufacturers.



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